Ways To Protect Your Rental Property In Springfield
Whether you’re renting out a single property or you are a real estate investor with a diverse rental portfolio, you understand it can be difficult to protect a rental property in Springfield. If it’s not occupied, your residence may be a prime target for a burglar or vandal. In the event you have renters, you have to be conscious of safeguard human beings.
Ranging from round-the-clock monitoring to advanced sensors and alarms, here are several proven methods to assist in the protection of your Springfield rental property.
Safeguard Your Properties With Home Security Monitoring
One of the best deterrents against theft or vandalism at your rental property is the installation of a home security system with monitoring. Your renters will enjoy more peace of mind when they have protection against invaders, particularly if Springfield is unfamiliar territory. If a thief tries to sneak in, your security system will notify your monitoring professionals at ADT while the easy-to-hear alarm alerts all people within the home. You even have the ability to get mobile notifications if a security camera spots a lurker.

Smart Locks Add Security When You Have New Guests
When a guest vacates your property, sometimes it's tough to know if they will be away forever. If they took or copied a key, then they have the ability to re-enter your home. To combat this problem, you can change the locks after each renter or install smart locks that integrate with your home’s security. By using smart locks, you can allocate each occupant a custom code that will no longer work once they leave. And if they ever do come back and use their old code on the keypad, you will receive a notification on your smartphone.
Automation Protects Your Rental Property In Springfield -- Even When You’re Not Home
When you invest in a rental or airbnb in Springfield, you you still have to secure the house when there’s nobody there. An effective way to do this is to give an impression that there’s always activity within the home. By linking your home security system to automation devices like interior and exterior lights, audio systems, and thermostats, your unit will look occupied at all times. Set certain light bulbs to come on at regular intervals throughout the day and play music for a few hours, and a would-be intruder will think twice before trying to enter. By using the right security system, you can set schedules through a mobile security app.
Protecting Your Rental Property In Springfield Starts With Customized Home Security
The benefits of an ADT system for rental owners are countless: smart locks, automation, and monitoring are a few highlights of what you can expect. Get in touch with Secure24 Alarm Systems and our knowledgeable team will help you customize an ADT package that makes sense for your rental. Phone (217) 765-0085 or complete the form on this page to make an appointment.