Springfield Crime Map And Stats
We all wonder if we’re in a safe street, but how will your community compare with the surrounding city? Take a look at this Springfield crime map and figure out how your neighborhood stacks up. Then get some methods to make your home and neighborhood more safe and sound.
Springfield Crime Map
Our Springfield Crime Map provides a heat map of overall crime in your community. Deeper red squares indicate a larger concentration of police calls as compared to the greater area. Zoom in and out by using the - and +, respectively.
Common Ways You Can Help Make Your Neighborhood Safe
Even though misdeeds will always happen, there's a few easy things you might do about your street’s safety. Check out these five quick guidelines so you can keep your neighborhood secure and inviting.
Know your community: The more you know people in your neighborhood, the simpler it will be to protect one another. Many blocks in Springfield have also formed an official neighborhood watch.
Invest in a security system: If a thief triggers an alarm system, it can dissuade them from casing around that same neighborhood for a while. Your outside cameras might also capture people cutting through your lawn when fleeing from the scene of a crime.
Keep items out of sight in your vehicle: Leaving your billfold, laptop, or smartphone in plain sight can instigate a vehicular break-in. If you can, bring in expensive items or hide them in a safe place like in a console compartment or trunk.
Install motion lights: Light is an intruder’s worst nightmare. By installing sensored floodlights over the garage or a back doorway, you might fend off an intrusion before it begins.
Let people know when you’re not home: Let a neighbor know when you leave to go on vacation, and leave them a key or door lock code to check-in periodically. Although, leave your travel plans off social media if at all possible.
Have Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your House Stay Safe And Secure
When you're looking for a monitored security system to help keep your home safe from burglary, fire, or other predicaments, call Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll walk through your security and home automation options and will help you pick the best system for your home’s needs. Just phone (217) 765-0085 or complete the form below.